Friday, March 25, 2016

6 ways to stay young

1    Don't smoke. Period it can lead to cell death, it wrecks your lungs and it affects your social life.
2    Works the Heart.  Cardiovascular exercise make your heart muscle pump,by keeping the heart in shape it less likely to deteriorate. healthy hearts promote positive blood flow.
3 Balance. balance leaves with age. however it can be maintained. improve balance with neuromuscular exercise. ie yoga, dance, one leg stand etc.
4 Stay Strong. Strong muscle lead to strong bone. strong muscle gives you independence to do simple things like open a gate.
5 Vegetables in diet.  orange and yellow ones are a rich source of Beta-carotene  which can fight free radicals in the body. help cell stay normal and healthy.
6 Think. Use your brain, the more you use it the less chance you have to lose it stay focus with things like crosswords,puzzles,thinking games.

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